My greatest understanding about health and healing has come from my own journey.

It has been a series of experiences through symptoms of the body and mind, whilst simultaneously working with others going through their own, that has shed the light on what really creates dis-ease in the human body.

The body-mind-soul connection continues to expand my mind, as I have witnessed the subtleties of how conflict in the mind and soul can play out in the physical form we are blessed to inhabit.

How it is rarely about the layer of the physical, and how if we truly wish to change our state of health/ symptoms, we need to look at the mind, the emotions in our heart and delve into the layers of our soul.

The medical qualifications I have obtained pale in significance to the experience of training received through the lived experience. And it is my mission to expand the consciousness of medicine to give credibility and power to others outside of the profession and modalities that have been previously looked down upon, to facilitate the ability of more and more of us to transcend our own limitations.

In the end, the journey for us all is one of awakening.

That is, awakening to the ego mind, the layers of our conditioning and learning to move through this into a new state of being.

Every physical experience we face, every issue of the mind or heart, every encounter that triggers us, is all connected to the missions of our soul to expand into the unlimited potential that we are.

For completeness, my medical training included the following:

  • Bachelor of Medicine at the University of Western Australia in 2009.

  • 3 years of the Psychiatry training program which culminated in my own crisis of mind, body and soul that was the catapult of my spiritual awakening.

  • Certificate in Counselling at Murdoch University.

  • 2 years of Gestalt psychotherapy training.

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy training.

  • Extensive experience in General practice.

  • Yoga teacher training through Tamara Yoga.